Bedford Needs Mindfulness!

  People are interested in Mindfulness in Bedford Having recently staged a free introductory presentation on mindfulness in Bedford, I was amazed at the incredible response. I had arranged to stage the event at the Puddin’ Club on Castle Road in Bedford which could hold a maximum number of thirty people. I very quickly realised […]

Why Every Organisation needs a Positive Psychologist / Business Coach

Increasingly, employee demands are changing in the workplace: but are businesses keeping up with these changes in demand in order to retain their talent? With the dawn of the information age, we have seen the biggest shift in human perception since the industrial revolution. With dramatic changes in the way and speed in which people […]

“I know mindfulness has benefits, but I can’t concentrate!”

I speak to a lot of people who are interested in the potential benefits of mindfulness meditation.  The main thing that often stands in their way is their own belief that they are not able to concentrate or remain focused. This is the equivalent of someone who wishes to get fit not training because they […]

Positive Psychology research and applications are being redefined by the second wave of Positive Psychology

When Martin Seligman took to the podium in 1998 to deliver his iconic presidential address to the American Psychological Association, he lamented psychology becoming “…solely a healing profession…” and called for the “…growth of the new science and profession of positive psychology…” (Fowler, Seligman, & Koocher, 1999). By differentiating Positive Psychology (PP) from “psychology as […]

Bored, Lost or Sad?

The choice of title may seem to some to be a little dark, controversial even. And yet so many of us suffer from boredom, sadness or feel completely lost in our own lives. This can quite often happen at adolescence, but also as we approach middle age, often labelled a ‘mid-life crisis’ by some. These […]

Coaching Creates Meaning

As part of my MSc in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, I am interested in investigating how people can increase levels of meaning in their lives. I think that meditation is by far the best ‘self-help’ solution, but not everyone wants to meditate. I see coaching as being a great facilitation process because of its […]

The Participation Age: Meaning over Money

Advances in technology have brought about many changes to our lives, with increased web and mobile accessibility revolutionising the way we do business.  People are calling this the ‘Participation Age’. The relationship between employee, employer and workplace is changing dramatically. Since the industrial revolution, employees have clocked in at work, and left their unique human […]

Leadership Styles

Thrown in the deep end? What leadership style will you chose? Let’s face it: if you are good at your job, and your productivity is higher than anyone else in your team, your overloaded boss usually decides to promote you into a leadership position. This is supposed to make you feel valued, that you are […]