Embracing Your Inner Child Meditation

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Coming into touch with your Inner Child means coming into touch with the ways in which you were wounded as a child. These wounds are usually created in the first eight years of life when we are developing emotionally and our brains are still very ‘mouldable’. Things that happen to us during this window of our development stay with us, and have a huge bearing on how we will be for the rest of our lives.


By noticing our wounds and bringing them into our conscious awareness, we are able to feel love and compassion for ourselves and others, as well as noticing our imperfect humanity. By embracing our inner child, we can grieve our childhood woundings, and transform them into gateways to our soul.

This meditation was created by John Bradshaw and taken from his excellent book, ‘Healing the Shame that Binds You‘. It is ten minutes long and takes you on a journey to reconnect with your Inner Child.